Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hospital trips

This is an attempt to track all the visits we had to an Hospital (for any of our health related issues). Probably it will serve as an indicator over period of time as to how fit we are.

Name Date Reason
Meera 23-06-2012 Neck pain, infection triggered after eating icecream
KK 11-07-2012 Viral fever and bad cold

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today we got eye test done for Sid, and looks like Sid will eventually have to get on with specs (Doc said he has cylinder).

Corner house

Siddharth is the upcoming fan of Corner House! He just loved the Hot Carmelo Pudding and Apple Pie (while I hogged on the ice cream scoops with those). He seems to be avoiding ice cream stating its cold (wow - like his mom and I don't mind it a bit:))

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Siddhart goes schoooooling!

Siddharth started going to Play School [GenieKids] from June 6. A start of new journey in our life:)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ammayi in B'lore

Ammayi & Nivya comes to Bangalore after lot of persuasion. Joined us on way back from Bangalore after Abhita marriage. Stayed for 2 weeks.