Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bachelor experiments!

Summer vacation Mee & Sid went to Tuticorin. It was bachelor time again and this time i decided to do experiments with my cooking skills.

Tried making KFC chicken fry and I was surprised that it came out pretty well! Though the next day when i tried the same preparation - i forgot to add salt - ah! and one can imagine what gross mistake that is.

Another day prepared Kerala chicken roast (thanks to Youtube). Got guest with Ramesh and Gopi joining. Though i did not believe much, but they did say the preparation was pretty nice (and it did get over in no time):)

Moral of story: Guys need some space to really explore their talents :P

The bachelorhood days was supported by some really good food from Bijua's. The pavlova's used to be the favorites.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Vishu @ 314

This time Vishu was celebrated @314 with bro and family coming for lunch. Mee prepared some great nadan food for everyone to enjoy. And to top it was the Palada payasam - which got finished in 1st round itself.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

LG replaces Godrej Champion

Finally new fridge came home. The single door was replaced with double door LG 310 ltrs one.