Saturday, December 28, 2019

Brothers union - 2019

Third year and it did happen again. Though Vinu was not part of the plan, others managed to take a day out for cousin bro reunion.
The place was finalized by Vineeth, resort at Paithal mala. Though we started by 3PM, we reached only around 7PM after covering the steep route. Usual drinks and discussion activity was up for take. 
Way back we took proper route via Chemperi & Shrikandapuram, which reduced the travel time on way back. Another good year and year end party. 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

ET - Leaders of Tomorrow

We got selected for ET- Leaders of Tomorrow 2020 South Zone edition. We were selected in top 20 list and were slotted to present for top 5 shortlisting.
 Unfortunately, we did not complete our presentation in scheduled 4 min slot, and also did not use the 6 min Q&A properly. I thought it was an easy chance to qualify for top 5 national from south zone.
It was good exposure and experience to be part of such a program. Also this submission was completely managed by me, so got an idea of what goes behind. I wish i had presented ha ha;)

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Aston Martin time

This time it was Lego - Aston Martin (sent by Susana & Renu for Christmas). Sid was super excited and ended sitting 2 days to complete the Aston Martin in full focus.
First part was done one evening, and the remaining was done the next day once Sid was back from school. His focus to do such things is amazing, and i also enjoy getting dragged by him into it. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Indian style momos!

Lip smacking Indian style momos was prepared by Mee (using Atta). Hot hot serving just added to the taste... yummmm.!!!
Wished we had more to keep eating!!!Does that expression not tell everything:)

Saturday, December 7, 2019

A trek with Sid!

It was time for SMR trekking event. With Mee headed to Chennai, the floor was open to take Sid also for trek. It was time to do Antargange, and with a wonderful climate, it was a great trek. Sid surprised me with a super sportive outlook to trek.
He got along with everyone and just went on without any complains. Aku was his company and they both enjoyed the whole trek (though there were few difficult places to negotiate).  

Slight drizzle inbetween made the trek more interesting keeping everyone happy without much sweat.  
We went from top to down where temple was located, and back. Having started early, we could easily complete the trek in first half and get back to our drive. 
Way back we stopped at nice restaurant (The Terminal) and had some drinks while kids enjoyed there food.