Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Surprise

This one truly turned out to be a very interesting event. While i was packing up from office to home, the security handed over a card to me (well it was a working Valentines day). I was surprised as to who had sent me a card (but then it was easy to guess any time).

The handwriting in which the address was written was unfamiliar. Though i wondered as to who had sent it, it was obvious to me that it would be none other than my wife (and could guess the trick behind it - surprise card without identification).

However, even before i could open the card, on the back side it had my wife's company name written. I could not resist laughing on that sight. I wondered how strange it was that my wife left the company name behind the envelop when trying to keep the identity a secret (obviously i did not know anyone else in her company to send me a card).

I should confess that it was a lovely card, and it really touched my heart. When i met my wife later in the day, she tried denying that she had sent the card (not knowing that someone had written her company name on the back of envelop). After lot of discussion, i revealed that i knew the card was sent by her and that the envelop had her company name written behind.

It turns out that she had got another of her colleague to write the address (disguising the handwriting). Post that the post was given to the security to courier, and the security as part of routine process wrote the company name behind the envelop without my wife's knowledge.

So all the while when she thought it would be a surprise, it was open to me from start. My wife was so annoyed by what happened. However, at the end we both had a nice laugh on it.

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