Saturday, February 9, 2013

Softnest bachelors meet

This was one of those nostalgic get together's with Softnest gang meeting up @Shakti. Yes after almost 8-10 years the group was together at the same place where we used to take out all our frustrations, share joys, pull each others legs....SHAKTI.

The place remains the same, except for our old security guard no more being there. They also changed the terrace with extra space and placing more chairs. Even after sumptuous food and drinks we did not hit roof top with our bill - it remains the same!

People who joined - Jins, KT, Capto, Sebachi and myself. People who could not make it - Biju bros & Augu.

This time the travel was in bus and both to and fro journey was courtesy BIAS! So safe to be inside it post drinking not having to think about the cops poking that instrument near your mouth!

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